


常规价格 ¥12,000 JPY
常规价格 促销价 ¥12,000 JPY


常规价格 ¥12,000 JPY
常规价格 促销价 ¥12,000 JPY


常规价格 ¥12,000 JPY
常规价格 促销价 ¥12,000 JPY
After more than two years of meticulous development

With a 248-year legacy, the renowned sake brewery, Juhachizakari Brewery, continues to embrace the tradition of crafting unfiltered original sake with local rice and water.

Paired with this is a denim case created by the denim manufacturing company 241co, known for handling numerous high-end Japanese Denim brands.
Experience the highest quality of Made in Japan products in your hands, and enjoy the taste of this authentic Japanese Sake as you drink it.

Why Authentic Japanese Sake is Worth the Price

The brewing process of Sake is quite complex.

The stronger the brewer's passion and commitment, the more time and effort it takes to manufacture, and the fewer the number of manufactured units.
However, some Japanese sake brewers do not pursue profits but are only committed to the taste.

The Denim Sake was born to deliver such "real" and "very rare" Japanese sake to you. The number is limited because the craftsmen make each bottle with all their hearts by hand, but please try pairing the highest quality Japanese sake and traditional Japanese snacks.

纯米法 酒精度:16%

纯米法 酒精度:16%

现代制酒展现出与传统方法不同的独特魅力。享受根据您的偏好定制的新风味和香气,如果味和清新的笔记。沉浸在带有青苹果香气的温和而强烈的香气中,享受丝滑的甜味,以清脆的酸度结束,留下平衡且非常顺滑的口感。 ・米打磨比例(RPR):68% ・米种类:大町米 ・容量:720毫升
山廃法 酒精度:16%

山廃法 酒精度:16%

山廃法,是生酛法的进化,增加乳酸菌来加深风味。随着时间的流逝,清酒的特性变得更加深邃,提供不断变化的风味数组。对于那些寻求与清酒根源的联系和对其历史价值有更深层欣赏的人,这款迷人的饮品是完美的选择。 ・米打磨比例(RPR):58% ・米种类:大町米 ・容量:720毫升
BLACK x Kimoto

BLACK x Kimoto

在整个酿造过程中对温度和湿度高度敏感,这种劳动密集型的方法需要全天候的关怀。结果是一种具有深度、浓郁鲜味和精致香气的清酒,真正是一种享受。 ・米打磨比例(RPR):58% ・米种类:大町米 ・容量:720毫升